Our FREE GIFT to you - the first 4 days of our
21 Days to Deeper Intimacy Course

Nearly 3000 people have taken our course, and we want to give you the first 4 days for free! Jump in and you'll be able to:

  • Assess the health of your relationship - and discover specifically how/where you want to improve
  • Develop fierce presence
  • Take steps when presence...goes awry!
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Do you feel stuck, frustrated, insecure, or alone in your relationship? Do you crave feeling unconditionally loved and fully understood by your partner? Do you want deeper intimacy, more passion, and a relationship that meets you - heart, mind, body, and spirit?

There's a key to long-lasting, deepening connection that all amazing relationships share: safety. And when there are cracks in the safety, that's when all sorts of problems begin to creep in - until they're undermining your relationship, and maybe even your sense of self. That's because a lack of safety pushes us into a state of fight/flight/freeze - so that your entire system is more focused on survival than on the play, creativity, vulnerability, and courage required to take your relationship to new heights.

Now, what do we mean by safety? We're not talking about "playing it safe" - the kind of safety that might hold you back or deaden your relationship. We're talking about the kind of safety that creates a deep sense of trust and connection in your relationship. Where you feel so safe with your partner that you can be all of who you are - with a freedom to go deeper, to expand into what's possible. Where your relationship is a source of profound love, inspiration, and connection to the divine.


Deepening Trust and Connection

By the end of this course, you will have completely transformed the way that you connect with yourself and with your partner, with a strong, secure foundation that fosters unconditional love, thriving intimacy, and profound presence in your relationship.

Please Note: You do not have to take this course with your partner to experience a profound change in your relationship. Relationship is a dance, and if you change your moves - so will your partner!