61: Orgasmic Meditation with Aubrey Fuller
Want to deepen your sense of what’s possible in sex, and experience a completely new kind of sensual connection to your partner? There’s more to sex and sensuality than most of us discover on our own, and on this show, one of my goals is to help you...

60: Neil Sattin on Risk, Vulnerability, and Courage

59: How to Make Difficult Conversations So Much Easier with Sheila Heen

58: Self-Care: A Crucial Step - with Neil Sattin

57: Mastering Mindfulness in Your Relationship - with Dan Siegel

56 - How to Create Amazing Days with Your Partner
Every day, with your partner, you have the chance to make things amazing. Or...not. In this episode, we're going to cover a simple practice that allows you to set a positive, love-filled, growth-oriented tone for your days no matter what is going on in your life. And,...

55: Defeating Emotional Blackmail and Manipulation with Susan Forward
Have you been stuck in a cycle with someone that leaves you feeling like you can never win? Where you feel like you are always giving in? Not saying what you are really feeling? If so, you may be experiencing emotional blackmail. It’s not pretty, and you can be left...

54: A Quick Practice to Change Everything About Your Relationship with Neil Sattin
How do you spend time with your partner? Do you put energy and attention on the things that you want to GROW in your relationship? Or does your energy and attention go to problems and other things you wish weren't true? In this week's episode, I'm going to...

53: How to Embrace Your Fear of Intimacy with Ken Page
Are you afraid of love and intimacy? How do we deal with that paradox, that we fear that which we most want? If you get to know that part of yourself, and embrace it - as we’re going to reveal on today’s episode - then it becomes an amazing source of power,...

52: Intimacy and Connection from the Inside Out with Toni Herbine-Blank
How does your relationship within yourself help you develop a deeper connection with your partner? How can you balance the skills of inner work with the skills required for a thriving relationship? By now you’re aware that there are all of these parts within us that...