There have been times in my life that have been really rough, and you have been there for me, making me laugh, caring for me, showing me what it's like to help another.
There have been times that have been amazingly joyful, and you have been there with me to celebrate, dance, make music, collaborate, and amplify the good feelings.
There have even been times when we have caused each other pain, and those times have led to essential growth and transformation, and deeper mutual understanding.
During some of my more crazy adventures, you have encouraged me, listened to my stories, and strengthened my confidence in the paths that I have chosen, showing me how to honor myself through your example.
When I've needed advice, your collective wisdom has helped me see possibilities I never would have otherwise noticed. When I was overwhelmed with a task, your hands have been there to help me do the heavy lifting. When my heart has been broken, your unconditional love has been there to heal the wounds. When my wallet was empty, you lent me a few dollars without question. When I lacked experience, you taught me what to do. When the honest truth was hard to hear, you still told it like it was.
You have given me the opportunity to help you in all of these ways as well.
To all of my friends, past, present, and future - thank you for everything that you are. I am so grateful for your presence in my life, and for the wonderful web of caring and connection that we have created. Wherever you are, please know that you are in my thoughts and my heart, and I hope you can feel the big beam of love and gratitude that I'm sending your way. I truly believe that we are blessed to know each other.
I believe that too, baby. Blessed indeed.
(Even if I am screaming in that picture.)
You're screaming "I'm blessed!" And you even turned it into a two syllable word: Bless-ed. Though for some reason you put the accent on the second syllable. Weird!