How I became a dog trainer AND a people trainer (You CAN teach an old dog new tricks)
Please note, all my dog training articles are now being published at A recent query from a reader finds me musing on the subject of destiny…was becoming a dog trainer my destiny? How did I end up where I am today? Does a person have to grow up...
How to play tug of war with your dog - and have the happiest dog on the block.
Please note, all my dog training articles are now being published at Play tug of war with your dog. Let your dog win. Your dog will love you for it. This article consists of two parts. The first part is a (very) brief introduction to tug-of-war...
Dashiell Llindhe Sattin has arrived! is born too.
Kudos to you for coming back around – it’s been a long hiatus from blog-ville, though I bet you figured out what was going on in my absence. That’s right…my son, Dashiell Llindhe (pronounced DASH-ul LIN-dee) entered the world in the wee morning hours of January 24th,...
So where've you been? Has your son arrived yet? And how about this dog training stuff?
As I wait for my son to arrive (he was due last Tuesday…still waiting!), I’ve been thinking about where to dive in on this blog. I started writing about Hypnobirthing, the method that Toni and I have been using to prepare for the birth, but somehow that seemed a bit...
Baby is on the way - 150 screws to go! The odyssey of assembling my changing table.
In my family, if you need something assembled, if you need to figure out how to work your VCR, if you need the clock in your car set to the correct hour - you call me. I'm not sure what it is about "assembly required" or "see manual for instructions" that intimidates...
Winning isn't everything...but it feels GOOD! The inner game of tennis.
I live in Maine (reminder for my friends in California - Maine is a STATE - not part of Canada), and December days in Maine are typically reserved for brisk walks between warm-ups at the local coffee shops, shoveling snow off your driveway, and enjoying all four hours...
What is this blog about? The well-rounded life. Fatherhood. Dog training. And...MORE!
The hardest thing, ever (well, one of them anyway), is to BEGIN. I'm faced with a blog that needs content, needs something of me, and I've finally arrived at the keyboard with the determination that I can make it happen, Incremental...